Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Los Angeles, CA -
Borders has unfortunately gone out of business, leaving Barnes and Noble as the last 'big' chain here that does substantial sales.  Barnes and Noble also have their own proprietary Nook tablet.  You can get my book either in the store or online, hard copy or nook version if you opt for the latter.

There are plenty of independent stores out there though - so just search for the one closest to you and you will be able to also order the book from them, though it may have to be a special order.

Layne Thrasher, Los Angeles

Monday, October 1, 2012

Los Angeles Author Layne Thrasher - Amazon

 To purchase Los Angeles Author Layne Thrasher's books domestically, please visit Amazon.com where you will find options for a Kindle download along with hard copies.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Love-And-Demise: Layne Thrasher

From love-and-demise.blogspot.com:

Layne Thrasher and Amazon.com
Layne Thrasher. Amazon.com

Not only is Amazon a great global partner to purchase Layne Thrasher's books, they are one of the preferred booksellers in the US for Layne Thrasher's debut novel.Layne Thrasher's books can also be purchased in the UK and Canada through Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.ca, respectively. To purchase Layne Thrasher books domestically, please click on the link below:Layne Thrasher.

Barnes and Noble and Layne Thrasher

Barnes and Noble is a preferred bookseller for Layne Thrasher. Click here http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?WRD=layne+thrasher&z=y&cds2Pid=9481to purchase Layne Thrasher's debut book now.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Layne Thrasher - Thrasher's Debut Book Available Now

See for yourself if Layne Thrasher lives up to his own words with the impact in the debut novel:
"Layne Thrasher - 100 Sonnets: Love and Demise"

Thrasher writes describing his piece "Other times these words float around, forcing the author and others empathetic to relive the reasons and events which cause their creation in the first place."

Layne Thrasher released the book during July of 2003 and it is now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and wherever books are sold. Thrasher released the text above to be used as a teaser line.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Layne Thrasher's Book

Layne Thrasher's debut book is now available here. Titled “100 Sonnets- Love and Demise,” the author takes you on a tumultuous tour through everything pleasurable, painful and disturbing about human relationships. Layne Thrasher’s personal notes about the book are found below:

“Writing is not always peacefully releasing. Sometimes the words haunt, keeping one awake at night until they are released on the piece of paper where they live and breathe and ultimately die if not remembered. “

See for yourself if Layne Thrasher lives up to his own words with the impact the words in this book have. Thrasher continues,

“Other times these words float around, forcing the author and others empathetic to relive the reasons and events which cause their creation in the first place.

Sometimes the hand cannot keep up with the thoughts, they suffocate and drown one’s self and turn on you. Perhaps they will come to define you. In a world where we are all slaves to something or another, I gladly choose passion and words, passion in words as my fix. I hope 100 Sonnets will take you to that place you have always longed to go but have had difficulty finding.”

Layne Thrasher released this book during July of 2003. Layne Thrasher has another novel in the works to be released soon. “100 Sonnets – Love and Demise” by Layne Thrasher is available in hard-cover and paperback.

The following text is courtesy of Layne Thrasher and derived from the copyrighted work titled “100 Sonnets- Love and Demise,” This text may not be reproduced without the author’s permission. The following describes the writing style found in Layne Thrasher's '100 Sonnets- Love and Demise'